Organising Your LinkedIn Profile To Attract The Right Recruiters.đź“Śđź’Ż

Okonu Deborah
4 min readJan 26, 2022


LinkedIn picture
Image from Google

Imagine being a graphics designer, searching for a graphics design role but instead of getting reached out to by people who need your graphics design skills, you’re getting reached out to by people who need the skills of a Web Developer or a UI/UX Designer. That’s so not right!

In other to attract the right recruiters to your LinkedIn, the way you organise your LinkedIn profile matters a lot.

In this article, I’ll be taking us through that process. So sit tight, get a glass of wine and let’s get to it!🥂

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What is LinkedIn All About?

Think of LinkedIn as a social media, were you are given the opportunity to showcase what you do, the skills you offer and also get a recruiter to find you and eventually land you that your dream job.

The mission of LinkedIn is simple: Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

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Some Key Tips And Tricks On Organising Your LinkedIn Profile

  • Profile Picture: First impression matters. Make sure to use a decent picture on your LinkedIn profile. Most importantly, “your picture”. (Do not use selfies).
  • Use a background image that showcases what you do. (You could create a cool one with Canva).
  • Name: Endeavour to use your full name (not nickname).
  • Add an eye catchy headlines. With keywords like software engineer, project Manager, graphics designer etc.
  • About section: This section is made available for you to express yourself. Tell us about who you are, what you’re currently doing and what inspires you. Be truthful.
Image from Google
  • Featured Section: A section on your profile where you can showcase work samples that you’re most proud of.
    When a recruiter or someone comes to view your profile. That’s the first post they see.
    For example, you can feature post that you’ve re-shared, authored, articles you’ve published on LinkedIn, links etc.
  • Experience section: Add your accomplishments. Let recruiters know the things you achieve and you’re proud of. Add your skills, your work experience (list out carefully all you did on the job). Don’t forget to add volunteer experience. As this helps recruiters to know that you’re not just here for the money, but you’re open to give out help to people who needs it.
  • Get a custom URL (very Important).
  • Recommendations: (Very important) This goes a long way to add value to your profile. Learn to give beautiful recommendations to people. The more you give the more you get!
  • Post on LinkedIn: Just like every other social media, make a post on LinkedIn, keep your audience engaged. The content of the post should be more like a conversation. Write like you’re speaking to a real human. Remember, your post should be professional.
  • Make the most of messaging. Ensure to send a follow up message with someone you connect with.

Don’t make your profile look quite boring by adding just work stuffs, also add some social activities that you participate(ed) in to your profile.

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This also a very important strategy in getting the right recruiters to your LinkedIn. Think about networking carefully.
LinkedIn isn’t like Facebook where you just send friend requests to random individuals. Before sending out a connection request to anyone on LinkedIn ask yourself these questions;

  • What role am I looking out for?
  • Which company am I targeting?

Once you’ve answered these questions, connect with people who are somehow connected to your answers. As this will help you to be seen by the right recruiters.

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In Conclusion,

There are 4 very important key tips you should take note of;

  • Be strategic in how you network.
  • Engage your LinkedIn community(audience).
  • Take the featured column seriously.
  • Give nice and beautiful recommendations to people.

The more you give, the more you receive!

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Learnt something out of this? Have some additional tips that’s working well for you? I will be glad if you shared with me here or on WhatsApp.

Please don’t forget to follow me!

Goodluck in getting your dream job!🎉



Okonu Deborah
Okonu Deborah

Written by Okonu Deborah

A Technica Product/Project Manager || A Virtual Assistant || A lover of Mathematics || A computer science student

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